Summit League Named 2024 Outstanding Philanthropic Organization by AFP

On November 1, 2024, the Silicon Valley Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) hosted its annual Philanthropy Day Luncheon in downtown Campbell. The Summit League was honored with the Outstanding Philanthropic Organization award for its exceptional contributions to the community. The award came through nominations submitted by the Eating Disorders Resource Center and the Bill Wilson Center, organizations that have greatly benefited from Summit League’s support.

Liz Ferrari, Summit League’s president, accepted the award on behalf of the organization, delivering a heartfelt speech highlighting the League’s commitment to fostering meaningful impact in Silicon Valley. Below is an excerpt of Liz’s acceptance remarks:

“On behalf of the Summit League, I want to thank Pilar Furlong of the Bill Wilson Center and Janice Bremis of the Eating Disorders Resource Center for nominating our League as the 2024 Silicon Valley Outstanding Philanthropy.

Summit League is comprised of 50 women “of a certain age” with diverse interests and backgrounds who are passionate about connecting with and making a positive impact on the efforts of nonprofits in San Clara County. For the past 66 years, our organization has advanced over 90 philanthropic and community service projects in the arts, education, health and welfare in Silicon Valley. To tell you about our work with our nominators.

The Bill Wilson Center was our Spring 2021 fundraiser beneficiary. Julie Robson and Kristi Saso as well as our League members creatively thought up ways to raise funds for BWC while we were sheltered in place. With money contributed by the Summit League, BWC was able to partner with local restaurants to purchase and distribute individually packaged foods to unstably housed youth and young adults. 

 Summit League’s donation was instrumental in supporting the Eating Disorders Resource Center mission to create awareness, promote recovery, and advocate for the treatment of eating disorders/ The monies that EDRC received were directed to funding helplines, insurance coverage assistance and support groups. You can see, our members are interested in addressing many different kinds of needs in the community.

Through the years, Summit League has increased our fundraising goals to meet the greater needs of our community. Since 2017 we have hosted a biennial Spring event to raise funds and awareness to benefit a carefully chosen beneficiary. Our 2023 event featured an” In conversation with Maria Shriver” as well as a luncheon and marketplace. Our beneficiary, Pursuit of Excellence, supports first generation college students through scholarships and mentorships.

Since last year, we have now established a Community Giving Fund. We accept grant requests for smaller scale programs, projects or capital improvements.  We are now able to meet emergency needs in the community as well.

Summit League is thrilled to receive recognition for our focus on assisting the worthy nonprofits in our area.”

Celine Schmidek